Sunday, April 22, 2012

A New Direction

This blog has been aptly named "My Journey as a Teacher".  As of May 21st this year, my journey will officially be over as a public school teacher.  I have done a lot of searching and reflection this year, which has lead me to the decision to take a new direction with my professional career.  I have nothing set in stone yet.  I have "had my nose to the grindstone" for so many years to get to this place where I thought I wanted to be, only to find where I want to be is some place different.  My plan now is to stop and smell the roses and to let my calling come to me through more searching and reflection. 

This is a truly exciting and scary time for me.  I wanted to also thank all of you who I have met personally or cyberly :).  You all have offered so much support, guidance and more over the last three years of my journey.  I know that in my future "teacher" may still be part of what I do, but it will not be in the sense it has been in the past.  

Thank you all again.  All of you teachers rock!


  1. May your journey be blessed. We've been blessed to meet you, please remember that you are, and always will be, a part of our community. And if you haven't yet, watch Emilio Estevez' and Martin Sheen's movie The Way about the Camino de Santiago. :o)

    with love,

  2. Thanks Laurie. It's been a blessing to meet you too. I'll have to watch that movie; the Camino de Santiago has intrigued me for awhile. :) I hope you're able to continue to inspire students and TPRS teachers across the country. <3 Melissa
