Thursday, June 24, 2010

The next step...

Recently I've been thinking about taking the next step with my own education.  I've played with the idea of getting my masters in Spanish, Educational Technology or Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.   Early on, I threw out the idea of Educational Technology because 1) I can keep up with technology if I make an effort, 2) by the time I graduate with the degree, all my knowledge will be obsolete. 

I narrowed it down to Spanish and CIA.   I'd love to get my masters in Spanish because I had a professor in college that I really enjoyed who taught Spanish majors how to be Spanish teachers.  I've entertained the idea of doing the same myself.  However, I've recently (ie only yesterday it dawned on me...) realized that I LOVE PLANNING!  I really am interested in finding out today's best practices and how to make these even better.  I'd like to be in the classroom for awhile longer, perhaps much longer.   So my indecision here, doesn't help me decide which one is a better choice.

Therefore, I look at the structure of the programs available to me for these masters.  The trouble with these two options are that they are only offered at certain schools.  In order to get my masters in Spanish, I will have to go to UNC for three summers in a row leaving behind my life.  However, I will not have to work on my masters during the school year and I will get to travel abroad.  For my CIA masters, I will have to attend Regis for two full years in a cohort program completing a course every 8 weeks.  For this option, I have to work and go to school; but I will complete my program quicker without having to leave my life. 

I'm currently leaning toward the CIA program.  I feel like it fits my passion for planning and being in the classroom more closely than the Spanish program does.   It also isn't dragging out the process of getting the masters degree either.  I always prefer long-distance endurance to sprints.  

Thus, the last problem: if I am to get my CIA degree in a convenient setting, I'd have to start it August 30.  I'm not sure if it's a good idea during my second year of teaching to take on such a project along with planning my wedding and possibly moving.  But I do enjoy a challenge and being busy.   So I think I might just do it.

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