I don't care what anyone else tells you. This is probably one of the most difficult things for me to learn and to live by. But I'm trying. If I do this, I am more relaxed, level headed, a better teacher, a better human, and better able to handle everything that comes at me in and out of the classroom.
I faltered the last two weeks and violated rule #1. I paid for it. My fiancé paid for it. My students paid for it. And I suffered, and so on and so forth. Well after a particularly difficult Saturday, I found myself determined to "take back my life". I went to yoga because that's where I go to become a better person. I went to yoga again today.
And guess what? I had some wonderful PQA with two particularly difficult classes and decent other classes. I actually did successfully provide CI today, which has been something I haven't been able to do in almost two weeks.
And guess what else? The tests didn't get graded. And no one asked about them. The students know it's the end of the year too (imagine that right?).
So yea. Make taking yourself rule #1. It's kind of like when you step in your classroom, and you make your students feel safe they'll play the CI game, but if not, you can forget about it. It's like that. If you take care of yourself, you'll be able to lead the CI game, but if not, you can forget about it.
It's a tough time of year, but this too shall pass.